A Soviet/Moldovan ZX Spectrum clone sold as gaming console in early 1990s. The first version of Sintez was made as modification of a well-tested ZX clone design sometimes called “Leningrad” as some popular Soviet ZX Clones were made under this name, yet other clones used this design too and the mainboards were sometimes built in homemade housings. However, not many first Sintez machines have been made by Signal plant in Cisinau. The next one, Sintez M, was re-designed to use available components and reduce number of chips. Sintez M was modified by “Interkomplex” in Moscow in late 1980s. If you got one of these, prepare TTL probe as it may suffer different IC faults. 
Finally Sintez 2 was a re-design loosely based on original Sintez computer, designed probably near 1989 or 1990 by someone signed as “TERMINAL” – this signature is visible on PCB as well as in demo software.

It was manufactured by Signal plant, and it was made in relatively large quantities as for their conditions. Computers were manufactured until ca. 1993 (after Moldova became independent country), however in 1990s not many users were interested in Spectrum clones and near 1998 most unsold Sintez units have been sent to recycling. Later, used units have been sold for scrap metal too, so currently they are not so common outside former Soviet Union countries. 

Sintez 2, contrary to ZX Spectrum, has no ULA chip, but it’s built entirely on TTL logic chips. Single-voltage DRAM chips are powered from 5V, fed directly from regulated power supply. There is also no RF modulator inside, only RGB output to connect by e.g. SCART to a TV. As a gaming machine, Sintez has joystickports for typical joysticks and one Kempston one.
Near 1991, Mezon plant (also in Chisinau), started to make small quantities of Sintez 3. They were based on proprietary chip and had possibility to bump RAM to 128kB. 

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