InteliQuest - The Great Wars of American History - CD MP3 - Collection

InteliQuest - The Great Wars of American History - CD MP3 - Collection

New CD in a Premium Black Sleeve
Narrations are in MP3 format


Was the Civil war really fought to free the salves, or was it about states' rights? What exactly made a mild man like Dwight Eisenhower such a great military leader? Why, with all the technology, could we not defeat the North Vietnamese?

War has been a part of our country's history from its very birth. Yet few Americans have the knowledge to intelligently discuss the causes, battles, turning points and resolutions of our countries' none major conflicts.

That knowledge is finally yours with The Great Wars of American History.

From Lexington where the first shot of the American revolution rang out, to Saigon and its bomb shattered streets, you will be there. In the offices of statesman whose policies set the war machine in motion. In the bunkers of generals, whose strategies determined victory or defeat. And in the battlefields themselves, where common men fought without uncommon courage, and the horror of the moment was bartered for the glory of the future.

 In this comprehensive, detailed history of the United States at war, you will gain a historian's knowledge of both the background of each war and the progress of the war itself.

You will come to understand all the political, economic and social forces that united to compel us into battle. Then you will know the events of each war, from the first rallying cry to the final peace talks.

As Americans, we fought for our freedom and also for the freedom of others. We have fought unfamiliar enemies in strange lands, and we have fought our own brothers and cousins. We have fought for rights, for land, for principles, and for power. Furthermore, we have fought hand to hand, machine to machine, and from vast heights against invisible foes. And we have own and we have lost.

This CD brings all of these struggles, failures, and victories so vividly to life that you will never forget them. And what you learn will remain with you forever.

1. The American Revolution – Four Parts

2. The War of 1812 – Two Parts

3. The Mexican-American War – Two Parts

4. The Civil War – Four Parts

5. The Spanish – American War

6. World War I – Three Parts

7. World War II – Four Parts

8. The Korean War

9. The Vietnam War – Three Parts
