This set features two Vietnam War gun trucks that had M113 hulls loaded onto the cargo bed as a quick and effective fighting compartment. Both are M54A2 based trucks. Markings for "The Lifer" included fine stencils on the cabin and the fuel tank as well as tire pressure stencils. Markings for the "King Kong" are based on two different periods, one when it was part of 25th Transport Company, the other when it was with 54th Transport coy. It had other period markings as well, but these two periods were better documented. In addition, each were based on different M54A2s (different serial numbers), and so are the various fine stencils around the cabin and fuel tank. Be sure to study both carefully (differences in stencils, etc) before settling on which option to choose. "King Kong" had the "Okinawa" shields on the M113 copula whereas "The Lifer" had none. Both had additional .50 cals fitted to both sides of the roof hatch. Armor plating templates for both gun trucks are provided.