Step aside, ordinary bags, because my collection is the antidote to the synthetic, poly-lined, run-of-the-mill bags being churned out by the factories of China. I take pride in my artistry and craftsmanship, sourcing only the finest full-grain leather cases and bags. I specifically look for cases that exude an authentic, distressed character. Each bag is a masterpiece, some with modifications that are unique to my line, ensuring that you won't find them anywhere else.

The quality of my bags speaks for itself, and I don't cut corners when it comes to the added shoulder straps. I only use high-grade men's belts to ensure that the straps are not only strong but comfortable, too. This leather is reminiscent of the equestrian leather halter straps that are used to handle powerful horses. And if that's not enough, I also incorporate half-centimeter thick mooseskin into many of my designs. Nothing wimpy here - just quality and character that will stand the test of time, even under the most rugged of lifestyles.

Invest in a bag that will only get better with time, as the leather acquires marks and wear that adds to its unique charm. Not all leather bags are created equal, and my collection is proof of that. It's supposed to look better with age, reflecting the journey that it has been on with its owner.

But don't just take my word for it. Take a stroll through my store, where you'll find 192+ unique vintage pieces that are sure to catch your eye. And be sure to look out for my trademark idea - adding thick mooseskin handles inside my bags and backpacks. (Mooseskin in my very favorite leather.) Trust me; once you've experienced the convenience of the inside handle, you'll never want to go back.

And for those who want something extra special, many of my briefcases also feature a mooseskin handle wrap, ensuring that the point of contact with your bag is as pleasant to touch as possible. My philosophy is simple: let the pictures do the talking. Take a look and let me know if you have any questions. But one thing is for sure - with my bags, you won't just be buying just a functional accessory, but a timeless piece of art that you'll cherish for years to come.



What I love about this old case:

I have this listed as a Men's bag but any woman who appreciates rugged leather goods could make this work for that perfect rugged look.

The measurements in inches are approximately: 17W x13H x 6-7D

This beautiful bag comes from a smoke-free home and Minnetonka Minnesota. If you live local please contact me if you're interested in local pick-up to save on shipping.



Indulge me, dear friend, as I regale you with tales of the beloved brands restored by me; Reederang - a curator of vintage leather and canvas dry goods, a craftsman who breathes new life into distressed, high-quality leather goods. Each piece is a testament to my passion for the art of restoration, where I add unique functional modifications and repairs that imbue each bag with a coveted, well-loved look.

My passion for vintage leather bags knows no bounds, as I specialize in meticulously crafted pieces hailing from Canada, Czechoslovakia, France, Greece, Holland, Italy, Norway, Paraguay, Poland, Switzerland, the United States of America, West Germany, and other great nations. My collection spans Bags, Briefcases, Backpacks, Rucksacks, Duffle Bags, Garment Bags, and Carry-ons, fashioned from Ballistic Nylon, Battenkill Canvas, Belting Leather, Harness Leather, Saddle Leather, Salt & Pepper Canvas, Baseball Glove Leather, and other rugged materials.

I take pride in providing my customers worldwide with vintage bags from the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s & 1980s - a veritable treasure trove of unbranded & handmade cases, bags, and packs. I carry a plethora of renowned brands such as A. Testoni, Albert Nipon, AH Brookings, Aldo Raffa Italy, Alfred Dunhill, Asprey London, Atlas Philadelphia,  Bally, Banana Republic, Barret & Son, Barrow & Hepburn England, Belber Luggage, Bill Amberg, Bick Brothers Makers, Birks Canada, Bole Sweden, Bottega Veneta Intreciatto, Brahmin, Branchers, Bree, Brunswick, Buffalo Jackson, Carlson Leather, Char Handmade, Chin Chong, Coach USA, Cole Haan, Condor Leather, Conker Trunks, Conte Max, Corbeau, Crouch & Fitzgerald, Dave Tenenbaum Leathersmith, Delfino, Desa of Turkey, Dionigi Italy, Dopp, Double RL, Duluth Pack, Dunhill, Eddie Bauer, Ernest Alexander, Etro Italy, Filson, Finnigan Ltd, Force Ten, Francesco Rogani, Frank Clegg, Geo Lawrence Company, Ghurka, Glaser Designs, Goldpfeil, Gold-Pfeil Caracciola, Goertzen Montana, Gokey, GS Stylite Philadelphia - PA, Hartmann, Herff Christiansen, Holland Sport Saddle Leather, Hunting World, Full & Holt, Humawaca Argentina, IKA, I Medici, Insall & Son, J.Fold, John Pound & Co., Jeffrey Benjamin (Wooden Briefcases), Herters Gun Cases,  NY Designer Jim Murnak, John Badshaw &Sons, John Varvatos, Joseph Daniel, Joseph Hanna, JW Hulme, Kenwood, Kendall & Hyde, K. Kaufmann, Korchmar, Lands' End, The Leather Specialists (Exotic Leather Cases) , Leder Aktentasche, Le Tanner Paris France, Lewis Drake & Associates, Lex Piel Duffles, Lions Leather Products, London Harness Company, Lotuff, M. London, Maraolo Italy, Mark Cross, Mappin & Webb, Marlondo, McGuire Nicholas, Medici Firenze, Mendel, Millikin & Lawley London, Milcock Milwaukee WI, Mulberry, Norm Thompson, Norris England, Orskov Copenhagen, Orvis, Papworth Swaine Adeney London, Peal & Co. LTD England, Pendragon, Phillip Corbin, Pineider, Ralph Herbert, Rawlings, Renwick, Rialto, Riley, RRL, Ruitertassen, Sable Persian, Sadhaus, Saddleback, Schlesinger, Scott & Co, Schott Leather, Seeger Germany, Sergio's Leather Creations, Snapak by Schell, Simpson of Piccadilly, Skyway, Sterling & Burke London, Stylite, Susy New York German, Swedish IKA, Swaine Adeney, Tangaroa, Terrida, Textier France, The Briefcase Company, The Leather Specialists, The Royal Family Piccadilly, Timberland, Tony Bryant New York, Tosca, T. Anthony, Tivoli, Tom Bihn, Tony Cooper, Tusting, Tumi, Uber Bags, Valigia Borsone, Vancouver Trunk & Bag BC, VILENCA Holland, Village Tannery Designs, Warren Leather Goods Worchester, Mass., W.W. Winship, Wehrmanns Wisconsin, Wheary, White Star, Willis & Geiger Outfitters, Wilt Roos Brothers, Witt's Billings, Montana, and other great brands.

Delight in my exclusive collection of Luggage Rack Suitcases crafted for classic cars such as the iconic MG TC TD TF, MGA, MGB, Austin Healey, Porsche, Triumph, and many others.

I am pleased to welcome you to my online boutique and invite you to share my eBay Name - Reederang (formerly 725BeautifulBags) with your circle of discerning travelers. With my signature swiftness, I dispatch your order the very next business day, via USPS Priority Mail, UPS, or FedEx. I am a proud participant of eBay's Global Shipping Program, facilitating seamless international shipping from Kentucky, USA. Kindly note that eBay determines the international shipping costs.

As a testament to my commitment to excellence, I do not accept returns unless I have made a glaring mistake in the listing. Also, note that I have a 100% positive feedback score. I am a business owner who lives by the philosophy "the customer is always right." 

Fairwinds & Godspeed,