
Now here I have a little treasure just for you.. or you.. or is it you?

Well, hopefully it's you there at the back. But either way, it's Akira, who would have thought?

Now, this is the French version of this masterpiece in an opulent edition ( see pictures) so what do you waiting for?

There are only minor storage traces on the box, the flyer has a little cut well the paper is quite thin.

If you have other questions, send it to me.

Happy buying 🤗

P.S.: Sorry for the high delivery fee but I want to be sure that it will be delivered as secured as possible as I only send with tracking (I take delivery from Germany to the USA as basis). When you can tell me which country you come from I can change the fee accordingly either for the EU, Europe or another country.

Or you write me your preferred delivery option, secured or not.