Title: Tafsir Ibn Kathir Arabic/English (10 Vol Set) Hardcover by Darussalam

Sub Title: 10 Vol Set (Abridged)

Author: Shaykh Safiur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri

Binding: Hardback

Printing: One Color

Size: 8.75 x 6.00 x1.25

Edition: 2000

Net Weight (LB): 18.60

Shipping Weight (LB): 20

Package Length (Inches): 16

Package Width (Inches): 12

Package Height (Inches): 8

Warning: These books are not printed by Darussalam, these are printed in India and does not match the original quality of the Darussalam printing.
These are second quality prints to reduce the printing cost and make it affordable. If you are looking for orginal Darussalam printed books then please do not buy this.

Publisher: Darussalam Publishers & Distributors

Country of Printing: India

SKU: BK0153