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It's hard to believe that this unusual, exotic-looking plant grows in Europe. This signature, but practically unknown member of Campanulaceae family grows in the open woodlands and alpine meadows of southwestern Europe. It premiers extraordinary candle-like blue-violet flowers all summer long above a compact clumping cushion of lanceolate and glabrous green basal leaves that spring from a carrot-shaped taproot. The inflorescences are first egg-shaped and later cylindrical to 10 cm long. Referenced in the Brothers Grimm Rapunzel fairytale, seldom cultivated Betonian Rampion lends peerless, spiky cool-hued accents to cut arrangements or the rockery, where it craves cool conditions with adequate drainage as well as poor, lean, somewhat acidic soil.

-Height: 40-50 cm (sometimes more);

-Flowers: May- August;

-Sow: any time indoors or November- April outdoors; do not cover the seeds- press them into soil; germination is long and irregular best in 5- 10 C; moist stratification for 4-6 weeks is very helpful (0- 5 C) or simply sow in autumn or winter outdoors;

-Aftercare: part shade to bright shade and well drained soil; hardy to -30 C;

-Packet contains: 100 seeds;

Buy as many seeds as you want and pay only one shipping fee.