Flow Activation Eco smart

Pool Heaters are compact and easy to install for a new or existing pool Set your temperature digitally to

increments of 1-Degree. Set it and forget it. Compatible with Eco smart Remote Control. Activation Flow - 12

+/- 2 GPM Can be used as an alternative to or booster to heat pump. EcoSmart Electric Tankless Spa and

Pool Heaters are designed to provide reliable, efficient, convenient, on demand heating. EcoSmart Pool

Heaters operate by utilizing the latest flow sensor technology instead of the traditional pressure switch

activation to reduce the risk of burned elements, which increases its reliability and longevity. The Smart

POOL series come with digital thermostat control so you can set the temperature exactly where you want it.

EcoSmart tankless Pool Heaters are compact and easy to install for a new or existing pool. Provides 1° to

1.5° F temp rise/hour EcoSmart pool heaters are compact and easy to install for a new or existing pool Set

your temperature digitally to increments of 1° , set it and forget it Uses the latest flow sensor technology

Can be used as an alternative to or booster to heat pump Requires 3 x 40 amp double pole breakers Durable

stainless steel heating elements