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Change your garden's game with our drought-tolerant succulent, Echeveria Setosa 'Oliver'. Its textured, velvety leaves, kissed with a subtle red tinge, are displayed in a visually pleasing rosette form. Flourishing best outdoors, it produces vibrant orange flowers during spring and summer seasons, adding a splash of colour to any scene. This reasonably fast-growing plant is a breeze to maintain, even thriving on a bit of neglect; making it perfect for both green-thumb beginners and busy plant enthusiasts. While it relishes partial to full sunlight, it can manage light shade but may appear less compact in winter. Enjoy a virtually disease-free experience with occasional peeking for mealy bugs. Elevate your garden aesthetics effortlessly with Echeveria Setosa 'Oliver'.

About the plant
  • Fairly drought tolerant succulent with fuzzy green velvety textured leaves in a rosette form, usually grown as an ornamental plant with red tinge on the leave margin, depending on location and temperature. Can be grown indoors but best outdoors. Blooms in spring and summer, flowers are beautiful bright orange.
  • Also known as Echeveria Setosa ‘Oliver’, is a hybrid of Echeveria Setosa and Echeveria Harmsii.
  • Reasonably fast growing and easy to maintain. Grows well in neglect – perfect for beginners and busy people.
  • Likes partial to full sun. Can tolerate light shade but will appear leggy and straggly especially during winter.
  • Generally disease free but may be susceptible to mealy bugs.
  • The photos in this listing displays the varying foliage and length of cuttings.
  • The photos with the pot size are plants on offer that you have a choice of selection to place in the cart.
  • A photo of the plant and/or cuttings you purchased will be emailed to you prior to packaging.
    We will lodge it at the post office the next business day and provide a tracking number on your purchase transaction.
  • Please note that leaf foliage and shape may vary as the photos are indicative of the plant as listed. This can also be attributable to the time (season/weather) when the plant or cuttings are obtained.
You will receive the following:
  • 1 x potted plant or cuttings as selected.
  • Length of stem cuttings will be between 8cm ~ 10cm.
  • Step-by-step what to do instructions upon receipt of your plant or cuttings.
  • General plant care and maintenance leaflet.
Pickup & Delivery