White Tiger Flowerhorn VIP Super large Tail Full Pearl Body White Eyes Kamfa

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Flowerhorn is a hybrid species between many kinds of cichlid fish.
The popular flowerhorn nowaday is Kamfa F1, F2, F3, Golden Base, Kamalau, Thai Red, Thaisilk,...
Kamfa is the most expensive fish because it is beautiful and very hard to generate this kind of flowerhorn. 
F1 flowerhorn cichlid thats mean his mother is Vieja Synspilum or Texas cichlid (F0 generation), father is Thai red. 
And continue to F2, F3,...
Because Vieja has no big kok so F1 fish usually does not have a big head too. After F1 is F2. This generation has both of 2 advantages of Texas cichlid (which has full pearl) and Thai red (which has red color and big kok). And you know, very hard to make these fish to marry together. :))

Your are biding for: a F2 Kamfa Flowerhorn.
Fish size: 5"
Fish specific: This flowerhorn can be called as white tiger with full body white pearl, white eyes, large tail.

This baby is living in Vietnam.
The shipping fee from Vietnam to your door including handling fee of transhipper, customs clearance...

DOA policy:
I can accept a video recording from your house.
*** Note: The videos must be recorded when the bag is not opened.

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