JFK Assassination: Warren Commission & Secret Service Presidential Protection Activity Reports



This collection has 1,482 pages of documents. 

This series of documents consists of reports, memorandums, and correspondence from the Warren Commission, related to Secret Service activities pertaining to presidential protection in general and specific to that of President John F. Kennedy. 

One set of records consists of Secret Service documents, including "Principles of Protection of the President and Other Dignitaries," a manual of the Secret Service School dated January 4, 1954; a report on "Parade Routes," dated July 10, 1964, by the Dallas Office of the Secret Service concerning the most commonly used parade routes in Dallas (Commission Document (CD) 1499); and "Report of the U.S. Secret Service on the Assassination of President Kennedy," dated December 18, 1963, in two volumes (CD 3). 

The other set of records consists of a memorandum entitled "Appendix 18 A Brief History of Presidential Protection," and other memorandums concerning Presidential protection. There is also correspondence between the Commission and the Secret Service, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, and other agencies concerning measures for the protection of the President before and during the trip to Texas; criticism of Secret Service agents for alleged misconduct in Fort Worth; damage to the windshield of the President's car; the "bubbletop" of the car; reported threats against President John F. Kennedy; an evaluation of current measures for the President's protection; other assassinations or attempted assassinations; and additional measures required. 

This series documents cover the time period of January 4, 1954, to September 24, 1964