100% NATURAL & VEGAN FRIENDLY- Vegetable wax has become increasingly popular in recent years with the demand for natural candles. KOOLPUG soy candle wax is a 100% all-natural wax made from hydrogenated soybean oil, it contains nothing artificial, which makes it a better alternative to paraffin wax! 

ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY WAX- Anytime we burn poor or cheaply made candles, chemicals can fill and linger in our home. Which in effect can cause the air in our homes to become fairly unhealthy. Since soy wax is made from soybeans, it is friendly to the environment because soybeans are a renewable resource. Opting for soya wax will ensure that your candle burns cleanly with absolutely no worry of air pollution. It is the safest option health-wise for those who are pregnant, have kids, or have pets.

SLOW BURNING- Soy wax beads has a much lower melting point than other waxes, which means it melts at a much cooler temperature and therefore doesn't burn as fast. You’ll get a candle that lasts longer!

SMOKELESS BURN- While all candles emit some black soot while burning, soy wax burns cleaner and results in less soot than paraffin. More importantly, soy wax is also an excellent carrier of fragrance, without requiring chemical amplifiers to enhance the scent throw and ensuring a well-balanced, true-to-scent candle.

SUITABLE FOR CRAFTING DIFFERENT TYPES OF CANDLES- Choosing the wax for your candle is the most important part of candle making. KOOLPUG soy wax has good burn stability that works well in container candles, including jarred candles, tins, votives, tealights, and tarts.