Title: Collectible Customizable Centurion Metal Black Card (Novelty Item)

Customization and Modification Services:

Personalize your card with the following details and services. Please provide the information after your purchase:

1. CID Number: 4 digits

2. Account Number: 15 digits

3. Membership Year: 2 digits

4. Valid Thru: MM/YY

5. Holder Name: Up to 18 characters

6. CVV: 3 digits

7. Original Info: Disregard the above information if you want the information from your original card to be the same

This is the option to transfer the chip and magnetic stripe from your original card to this customized black card.

Instructions for Buyers:

• Provide your customization details via message immediately after your purchase.

• If no customization details are received within 1 business day after purchase, the information on the card will be randomized.

• If you opt for chip and magnetic stripe swapping, ensure your original card is ready to be shipped via a trackable service and note that this service will affect the original card’s physical condition

Turnaround Time: Our service turnaround is one business day following the receipt of your original card.

Product Details:

• Material: Premium 304 stainless steel (Note: This is not an alloy card)

• Dimensions: 85.5 x 54 mm

• Weight: 26 grams

• Thickness: 0.8 mm

DISCLAIMER: This card by itself is intended for collection or novelty use only. It does not possess any financial functionality and is not affiliated with any banking or credit institutions.

Make sure to tailor any instructions or terms according to your specific needs and the services you offer!