Title: Ésope Fables
By Aesop, Émile Chambry (Translator)
Publication Date: 1927

Publisher Les Belles Letters

Topics: Ancient Greek, Fables, French Translations
Language: Ancient Greek; French
Fairly Good Condition for This Vintage Softback Book, as Can Be Seen in the Photos

200 copies on Lafuma pure thread paper numbered at the press from 1 to 200 suggests that the book is part of a limited edition printing on Lafuma pure thread paper, with each copy numbered at the press from 1 to 200. This type of information typically indicates a special or limited edition of the book.


Embark on a journey into the world of ancient wisdom with "Ésope Fables," translated by Émile Chambry. This vintage softback book, published in 1927, brings to life the timeless fables of Aesop in both Ancient Greek and French. The book is in fairly good condition for its age, preserving the charm of vintage aesthetics, as showcased in the accompanying photos.

"Ésope Fables" is a collection of fables attributed to Aesop, the ancient Greek storyteller. Aesop's fables are short narratives featuring animals as characters, each with a moral lesson or message. The fables are known for their simplicity, wit, and timeless wisdom, making them suitable for readers of all ages.

The book, translated by Émile Chambry, presents these fables in a dual-language format, featuring both Ancient Greek and French. This allows readers to appreciate the linguistic and cultural aspects of the original work while also providing access to a French translation.

The fables cover a wide range of themes, often conveying moral lessons about human behavior, virtues, and vices through the actions and interactions of the animal characters. Each fable typically concludes with a succinct moral or lesson that encourages reflection and contemplation.

Overall, "Ésope Fables" serves as a literary and educational resource, preserving the classical tales of Aesop and making them accessible to readers who are interested in both the original Ancient Greek and the French translation. It's a timeless collection that continues to inspire readers with its enduring wisdom and storytelling.

Key Features:

Condition: The softback book is in fairly good condition for its vintage status. It exhibits the character and wear expected of a book from 1927, contributing to its historical appeal. The photos provide a visual representation of the book's condition, allowing prospective buyers to assess its overall state. Please see the photos of the book to see its condition.

Photographic Documentation: Comprehensive photographs accompany the listing, offering a visual confirmation of the book's condition. Prospective buyers can inspect the cover, spine, pages, and any unique features to appreciate the vintage aesthetic.

Note to Buyers: "Ésope Fables" presents Aesop's timeless fables in a dual-language format, allowing readers to engage with both Ancient Greek and French versions. While the book is in fairly good condition for its vintage status, the wear adds to its historical charm. The included photos provide transparency regarding the condition of the book, allowing you to make an informed decision.

Note: The photos provide visual confirmation of the book's vintage condition.