Marking options:1) 44-13897 was originally assigned to Charles Daddy Rabbit Peters, who named it Daddy Rabbit. When Peters tour expired, he agreed to leave it to another pilot, who had just returned to the group after having been shot down and evading capture. That pilot renamed the aircraft, and changed the individual aircraft letter to Y. Later that pilot downed 5 aircraft on a single mission, and received some press regarding the mission. Pictures taken for that event showed that 897 had received a tail fillet, had the rear view mirror removed, and 5 kill flags applied in addition to his previous single kill. 897 had a new K-14 gunsight installed, which the pilot used on his 5 kill mission. Fuselage ID stripes were lowered on the fuselage when the new tail fillet was installed, single white ID stripe remained on the wings and stabilizers. Non-shrouded exhausts. 2) 44-13897 portrayed as Daddy Rabbit. Charles Peters had previously flown a P-51B with the same name, and carried his previous 4 kill markings from that aircraft to his brand new P-51D. Fuselage ID stripes were high on the fuselage, single white ID stripes on the wings and stabilizers. Non-shrouded exhausts.3) 44-13522 was assigned to William OBee OBrien. When OBee returned for his second tour, he got a new P-51D, which he christened Billys Bitch and had that painted on both sides of the nose. Full black and white underwing invasion stripes and stripes high on the fuselage. Serial number carried higher on the tail than normal. Non-shrouded exhausts.4) 44-13518 was assigned to Maj. Edwin Hiro, CO of the 363rd FS. He carried over the name Horses Itch from his previous P-51B after a favorite drink of his. There is evidence to support that 518 carried full invasion stripes at one point, at least on the wings. There are full invasion stripes on the bottom of the wings. 518 also carried a non-standard rear view mirror on the L side of the fuselage. Hiro was shot down and killed in this aircraft on his last mission over Holland on Sept. 19th, 1944. Non-shrouded exhausts.5) Maj. Joseph Broadhead previously commanded the 362nd FS. When he returned from leave he was promoted to group Operations Officer but maintained an aircraft in the 362nd, which he named after his son like his previous aircraft. As a wheel in the group, he got one of the newest aircraft delivered upon his return, a P-51D-10 fresh off the boat. Master Mike 44-14798 probably did not have a set of low fuselage ID stripes. Possibly wing/stab stripes. It did carry a cowling full of mission marks and his personal kill marks. Shrouded exhausts.6) 44-13316 was delivered to the group early in June 1944, and received a full set of D-Day stripes and the name Mildred painted on it. It carried fuselage kill markings associated with Capt. Leonard Kit Carson, but its unclear if this was his assigned aircraft at this stage. Later in the summer, it was officially assigned to Carson, who continued his tradition of naming his aircraft Nooky Booky, 316 becoming II. Aircraft had the upper wings and fuselage camouflaged in green, full underwing stripes and high fuselage stripes. Its possible that it carried full stripes on the top of the wings as well. Shrouded exhausts.7) 44-13586 was the mount of hotshot ace Richard Pete Peterson. He named his new P-51D Hurry Home Honey like his previous aircraft and had the name painted in red script on the nose. Like many of the other aircraft from this period, 586 carried high fuselage ID stripes and full lower wing stripes, but no evidence of upper wing stripes. Shrouded exhausts.8) 44-14245 was flown by another hotshot Otto Dittie Jenkins, who traded his P-51B named Floogie in on a new P-51D-10. Floogie II received the 357th field camouflage upon arriving at Leiston, but a non-standard scalloped demarcation line from green to grey. During this period, most aircraft received a set of low fuselage ID stripes, and carried a set of white ID stripes on the wings and stabilizers. Jenkins bellied Floogie II in at Leiston in December, and received a newer aircraft while 245 was being repaired. Shrouded exhausts.