2 inch x 2 inch x 2 inch brown grey multi color marble stone pyramid set of 3

The mysterious power of pyramid cures diseases, improves memory power, energizes both body and mind and gives all the benefits that meditation gives multifold. The researchers have found out several other benefits of pyramidal power. Placing a pyramid on your desktop in the work place can help remove stale energy and improve the working environment; Pyramids work as an antenna to bring in cosmic energy. This complex energy is a combination of Electro-Magnetic and cosmic wave in the universe. The Pyramid absorbs these waves and generates them.Their shape brings equilibrium and balance. Many good things happen in and around pyramids. They bring peace and harmony to the mind, body & soul. They manifest energy in a way that is phenomenal. 

Marble is a beautiful and plentiful crystalline stone, created deep within the earth millions of years ago that is commonly found in USA, Italy and Greece. Every marble is unique like a snowflake and can be found in shades of white, yellow, green, brown, black and gray. The healing properties of Marble is used as a cleanser which is beneficial for the blood, skin and systems that help cleanse the body such as the lymphatic, digestive system and integument system. Metaphysically this stone is beneficial for clarity during tantric activities and meditative states. It aids strength of self control and mastery of thought. It improves total recall of dreams and provides protection, stability and structure of one’s physical, emotional and spiritual facets. It’s thought to help with serenity and mastery and actualization of ones thoughts. It is also used to help in accessing unused portions of the human brain.  

A variegated chalcedony showing curved, colored bands or other markings. Agate Gemstone is a form of quartz, specifically Crypto crystalline quartz and has many of the same properties. In ancient times agate was highly valued as talisman or amulet and the unique patterns appealed to jewelry makers and agate bowl production. Agate gemstones bring positive energy and is good for all money matters and clear thinking, Agate helps stimulate forgiveness. Agate is known in history as the one that gives strength. For centuries Agate is also known as the “good luck” stone. Agate is know as the “grounding” stone because it gives self confidence, and gives a person a more accepting perception of things and gives balance and energy. Agate is widely used as an amulet for children as protection. Agate is a stone of relaxation, calm, cleaning, balance, meditativeness, vitality, grounding, pain relief, and balancing Yin and Yang energies. It stimulates analytical abilities, awakes hidden latent talents, strengthens the sight, helps with stress, and stabilizes the aura. Agates have silky glow and in general they are multi-colored, multi-layered easy-to-recognize stones. Agate can be found in a multitude of colors, starting from brown, blue, milky white, rose, gray, violet, yellow, green, red, and orange. It is partly transparent and very much picturesque kind of stone, interpenetrated with bands of different colors that have been produces in the cavities of the volcanic rocks.
 Agates belong to the silicate group of minerals. It is a variation of quartz (silica) which goes under the name of chalcedony. Agate is very often cut in thin plates, but also can be found as natural tumbled stones.
Agate balances the subtle energies. It is said that agates help in protection, especially with small children. It supplies courage and increases the creativity of students and artists. The boost of energy from this stone always comes in waves; therefore it can help whenever it is necessary to overcome a certain situation.
Agate aids people with problems related to forgiveness and in all cases where releasing of bitterness and despair is needed. This in turn improves the love relations, relations to other people in general, and within the family. You can carry agate with you if you feel repressed, under pressure, restrained and limited in your current duties. In ancient times the forces of the four elements were regarded as very powerful subjects of the Universe (which they still are), and in this regard agate is a stone for the earth element. If you have forthcoming battles in sight that have to do with your family or business affairs where you need extra strength and courage (in order to be honest above all with yourself) and determination to endure on your path, agate is the right stone for you.
Agates increase physical speed, in running, marathon, and athletics. It has a positive effect on the lungs, blood vessels, lymphatic system, digestion, and anorexia. Agate can be many different colors, and because its banding is so variable, different types of it have been given many different descriptive names. Many types of organic material have been fossilized by Agate, where the organic material has been replaced slowly over a long period of time, so that the original structure of the inclusion has been retained. Fossilized or petrified wood is an attractive form of Agate. Most Agate forms are naturally colored, while others are heated or permanently dyed for decorative effect. Agate is the oldest stone in recorded history and has been used in jewelry since Biblical Babylonian times. Agates were used to ward off storms and were prized gems in antiquity. Traditionally, Agates with banded colors were once placed at the head of a sleeper to give rich and varied dreams. Agate is considered a protection stone. It is believed to attract strength and offer protection from bad dreams, stress and the draining of energy. 

Agate is the Mystical birthstone for September. Chalcedony is found in a range of colors including: gray, white, blue, lavender, orange, yellow, green, or brown. It’s said the name came from the place of its discovery, Chalcedon on the Bosporus. Metaphysically it’s thought to increase vitality, stamina, endure and promote emotional balance whilst relieving melancholy, fever, gallstones and eye problems. Chalcedony is considered as a stone that brings stability, relieves being depressed and helps ones presence of mind. Chalcedony helps balance the mind and spirit, reduces grief and heals emotions, aids in communication.

                                                                                        "Love and Light"