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Titolo: To Afghanistan And Back - Updated Ed.
Condizione: Nuovo
ISBN-10: 1561633593
EAN: 9781561633593
ISBN: 9781561633593
Publisher: NBM Publishing Company
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 01/01/2004
Lingua: inglese
Altezza: 228mm
Lunghezza: 151mm
Peso: 224g
Autore: Ted Rall
Genere: Manga
Description: When U.S. bombs started raining on the Taliban, Rall jumped on a plane straight to the war zone to get the real story for himself. As a result of firsthand experience, he provides a decidedly different take on this gritty war. Featuring, as a centrepiece, a fifty page graphic novel travelogue of his experiences as a war correspondent, this unique book also includes articles, cartoons and photos Rall compiled while on the front. A new chapter that has been recently added projects this book forwards to the cusp of cutting-edge current affairs.
Title Format: Paperback
Paese di origine: US
Anno di pubblicazione: 2004

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