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Titolo: Snow Crash
Condizione: Nuovo
EAN: 9780241953181
ISBN: 9780241953181
Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 02/06/2011
Altezza: 198mm
Lunghezza: 129mm
Larghezza: 27mm
Peso: 309g
Autore: Neal Stephenson
Lingua: inglese
ISBN-10: 0241953189

"This Snow Crash thing--is it a virus, a drug, or a religion?"
Juanita shrugs. "What's the difference?"

The only relief from the sea of logos is within the well-guarded borders of the Burbclaves. Is it any wonder that most sane folks have forsaken the real world and chosen to live in the computer-generated universe of virtual reality?

In a major city, the size of a dozen Manhattans, is a domain of pleasures limited only by the imagination. But now a strange new computer virus called Snow Crash is striking down hackers everywhere, leaving an unlikely young pizza delivery man as humankind's last best hope.

The perfect cyberpunk sci-fi read, Snow Crash is an equally worthy successor to William Gibson's Neuromancer and predecessor to Ernest Cline's Ready Player One.


What readers are saying about Snow Crash:

'It's hard to believe Neal wrote his books when the published date claims. He's always so right about the future, and I keep on hoping he's so wrong' Goodreads Reader Review

'Snow Crash is to Books as The Matrix is to movies (with only the absolute BEST parts of Tron and Da Vinci Code thrown in)' Goodreads Reader Review

'Loved it! Can't recommend it highly enough. Everyone should read this book. Go do it. Do it now. It's just awesome. You won't regret it' Goodreads Reader Review

'It's hilarious and mind-blowing. From the first page to the last, I was amazed at just how much influence this book has had on TV, movies, etc.' Goodreads Reader Review

Paese di origine: GB
Genere: Fiction
Title Format: Paperback
Soggetto: Fantasy
Anno di pubblicazione: 2011

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