The Stone of Leadership

Creativity- Personal Power- Joy
Sunstone is a gem variety of Oligoclase and is known for its powerful connection to the light and power of the sun. It brings light to all situations and has a bright, joyful energy that increases vitality and lightens dark moods. Sunstone helps empower those who feel persecuted or abandoned by others, instilling confidence and optimism and encouraging motivation and positive action. It is also useful in removing energy draining ties or “hooks” into your energy by other people. Physically, Sunstone can aid in Depression and SAD, as well as assisting with aches, pains, chronic sore throat, and sexual issues.

Emotional Properties
Joy, Empowerment, Positivity, Confidence, Abundance, Vitality, Creativity, Balance, Protection, Healing, Transformation, Grounding, Strength, Clarity, Courage

Spiritual Properties
Akashic Records, Animal Healing, Aura Revitalizing, Blessings, Connecting with Higher Source, Grounding, Introspection, Love, Prayer, Spiritual Awakening


Sacral, Solar Plexus 


"I am creative, empowered, and joyful"