Single pieces of Rough/Raw

Lodestone aka Magnetite

Magnetite is a very common iron oxide mineral and is the most commonly mined ore of iron. It also boasts the highest iron content,72.4%, of any mineral. It is also one of just a few minerals that are attracted to a common magnet, in fact It is the most strongly magnetic mineral found in nature.

Normal magnetite is attracted to a magnet, but some specimens are naturally magnetised and have the ability to attract small pieces of iron, small pieces of magnetite, and other magnetic objects. This form of magnetite, known as "lodestone," was man's first encounter with the property of magnetism. Pieces of lodestone suspended on a string served as the first magnetic compasses and were used in China as early as 300 BC.

In fact according to 

"Lode comes from the Old English lād, which means "way, journey, course." The word stone derives from the Old English stān, which had the same meaning as the modern term stone." so its name actually means "Journey (way/course) Stone" or in otherwords Compass!

It is important to note that while Lodestone can attract metals, the magnetism possessed by most specimens is very subtle and far less obvious than the modern magnets we are used to.

Chakra - Root and Crown

Element - Earth

Numerology - 1

Zodiac -Virgo and Gemini

A stone of Attraction, potent for manifestation and attracting what you desire, grounding and balancing, helps prevent mood swings, and allieviates negativity. Aids Motivation and can relieve depression. Boosts the immune system and helps to allieviate pain. An excellent stone for the  Spiritual Seeker, helping you to navigate and find the correct path.  Enhances Telepathy and Intuition, aids spiritual guidance, visions, and offers psychic protection.

Please be aware the Magnetism in this batch of Lodestone,  varies from piece to piece, some pieces are considerably more magnetic than others and not every piece is magnetic enough for the filings to stick to it like in the photos. However they are still magnetic enough to effect the fillings when passed in close proximity of them.

Unless arranged before hand the stone you will recieve will be picked at random. If you require a piece with stronger magnetism please message me to arrange.