Hello to everybody!
Diascope Filmoscope-2 “Leningrad” DIASCOPE Diascope (from the Greek dia - through and the Greek skopéõ - I look) is an optical device for viewing transparencies or filmstrip frames through an eyepiece using an external light source or using an incandescent lamp integrated into the diascope. Released by LNPO "Electronmash". 198206, Leningrad, Petergofskoe highway, 73. Size 74 x 70 x 52 The slide was carefully taken by the frame, inserted into the diascope and then, pointing the device at the light, with one eye they looked into a special window, where, as on a projector, an image appeared, slightly enlarged and modified. Since the slides were very small, it was almost impossible to examine them without a diascope.
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