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Titolo: The Tribute
Condizione: Nuovo
Formato: Copertina rigida
EAN: 9781787739963
ISBN: 9781787739963
Publisher: Titan Comics
Data di pubblicazione: 05/12/2023
Description: "Before Avatar came The Tribute"A team of scientists and soldiers land on an alien planet with the hope they will find a new source of energy. The expedition is vital for the survival of humankind as an intergalactic war is raging, and the team must battle a hostile climate and protective, indigenous species to unravel the mysteries of this extraordinary planet before it's too late.This thrilling fiction mixes classical and experimental forms and is widely considered a French sci-fi cult classic.
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: GB
Altezza: 276mm
Lunghezza: 205mm
Autore: Benjamin Legrand
Contribuyente: Jean-Marc Rochette (By (artist))
Genere: Manga
Title Format: Hardback
Soggetto: Graphic Novels
Anno di pubblicazione: 2023

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