Title: Force X61640 Bumper Trim and Shine Spray - Car Trim and Tyre Restorer - Pack of 2 (400ml each)




Key Features:

- Instant Restoration: Force X61640 brings your car trim and tyres back to life with an instant sparkling new appearance.

- Versatile Application: Ideal for tyres, bumpers, and various car trims. Also effective on rubber, vinyl, veneer, and polished wood surfaces.

- Fast Shining Formula: A blend of powerful cleaning solvents and silicones ensures quick and efficient restoration.

- Stain and Oil Removal: Say goodbye to stubborn stains and oils – this spray is designed to tackle them effectively.

- Pleasant Fragrance: Enjoy a new car leather fragrance while revitalizing your vehicle.

- Convenient Size: Pack of 2 tins, each containing 400ml – perfect for multiple applications or to share with fellow car enthusiasts.



- Tires: Achieve a glossy finish that lasts.

- Bumpers: Restore and protect your bumpers from wear and tear.

- Trim: Revitalize various car trims, including rubber, vinyl, veneer, and polished wood.

- Home Use: Beyond cars, use it around the house on compatible surfaces for a shiny finish.


Bonus Hacks:

1. Multi-Surface Magic: Experiment with using this spray on household surfaces like dashboard trims, furniture, or even shoes for a like-new shine.

2. Preventive Maintenance: Apply the spray regularly to create a protective barrier, preventing future damage from environmental elements.

3. Mix and Match: Combine with other Force cleaning products for an all-around car care routine.


Caution: Please follow the provided instructions for optimal results. Perform a small patch test before extensive application.


Revitalize your car's appearance with the Force X61640 Bumper Trim and Shine spray. Order now for a pack of 2 400ml tins and experience the magic of instant restoration!