This beautiful Nephrite Jade Tumble Stone is perfect for crystal healing, Reiki and balancing your heart chakra. Measuring 20mm  + in size, this polished stone is a perfect addition to your collection of minerals and crystals.

The unique shape of this tumbled stone, along with its beautiful finish, make it a must-have for collectors of rocks, fossils and minerals. The Nephrite Jade is known for its soothing and calming properties, making it ideal for relieving stress and anxiety.

Nephrite Jade

The Stone of Protection and Good Luck

Love- Protection- Recovery

Nephrite Jade promotes physical and emotional well-being, especially during unpleasant or difficult situations. This crystal has calming and soothing properties and eliminates fear while providing comfort and benevolence. It helps the heart to find compassion and make the right decisions while balancing emotions and giving modest and clear ideas. Finally, it opens your mind and persuades you toward renewal, offering deep peace, balance, and strength.

Emotional Properties

Longevity, Health, Abundance, Balance, Harmony, Love, Prosperity, Wisdom, Protection, Courage, Confidence, Stability, Peace, Resilience, Patience

Spiritual Properties

Love, Grounding, Transformation, Harmony, Enhances Intuition, Enhances Psychic Ability, Spiritual Awakening, Protection during Psychic and Spiritual Work, Cosmic Awareness and Consciousness, Communication and Connecting with Higher Self


Aries, Taurus, Libra





"I am loved, protected, and emotionally healed."