This unique piece of contemporary art by Victor Arseni features a heartwarming holiday scene of children celebrating Christmas with their grandmother. The medium-sized print on cotton canvas is a licensed reproduction of an original oil painting, and comes with a Certificate of Authenticity issued by the artist. The piece is unframed and measures 13" x 12". The painting's style is a fusion of realism and impressionism, with elements of portraiture and illustration art. It is a one-of-a-kind piece that will add a touch of warmth and inspiration to any room. Free shipping is available anywhere in the world, and delivery time is 7-14 business days to the USA and 4-10 business days to the UK. 100% Quality Assurance is guaranteed, ensuring the painting arrives in perfect condition.

Print on Canvas of Oil Painting Arseni ~ CHRISTMAS. CHILDREN WITH GRANDMOTHER  13" X 12" NO FRAME Art USA