Comic book in Italian language

The legendary no. 1 of Tex Willer

Publisher: Edizioni Araldo (currently Sergio Bonelli Editore)

Authors: Gianluigi Bonelli, Aurelio Galleppini (alias Galep)

Comic book, medium sized, in black and white, with color cover. 

Cover price: L. 350 (the old Italian currency)

Size: width 15.5 cm, length 21 cm, depth 1 cm. Pages: 162.
Weight: 200 g.
March 1964 edition

Good condition

Tracked shipping and very careful, shockproof packaging


Compro Fumetti Shop
Via Corrado Lancia, 25 - 90138 Palermo - Italy 

Whatsapp 347 8230248 - tel. 091 6258338