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Titolo: Missa Popularis
Condizione: Nuovo
Artista: Various
Etichetta discografica: Alba
Title Format: CD
In the late 1960s Timo Ruottinen, a financial administration student in his twenties, composed a mass called Missa Popularis. The extraordinary giant piece combining 1960s pop and progressive rock premiered at the Turku Concert Hall on April 5, 1969. Now, more than 50 years after its premiere, the radical mass has finally been recorded in its original version!Missa Popularis was born in the midst of a turbulent world. However, wars and political unrest such as Vietnam, Biafra and Prague Spring provoked a counterattack. Hippie culture and the peace movement fueled reforms in all cultural expressions, including music. The genre-breaking Missa Popularis garnered praise as well as curse - the creators, mainly the composer, were even condemned to perpetuate eternal damnation. The electronic instruments used in the mass, the Latin language and ecumenism were strongly condemned, but the piece also received a lot of positive feedback and praise. Above all, a new kind of mass attracted young people and audiences who had not otherwise attended church.
Genere: Musica Classica
Tipo: CD
Numero di dischi: 1
EAN: 6417513104424

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