JFK Assassination - Warren Commission Vertical Files on Core Kennedy Topics


1,209 pages of documents created or gathered by The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, most commonly referred to as the Warren Commission. 

President Johnson appointed the Warren Commission on November 29, 1963, to investigate the assassination of President Kennedy on November 22, 1963, at Dallas, Texas. President Johnson directed the Commission to evaluate matters relating to the assassination and the subsequent killing of the alleged assassin, and to report its findings and conclusions to him.

This collection contains Commission vertical files on President Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy. Documents covering the Commission’s investigative focus and interviews with witnesses and communications sent to the Commission from agencies such as the FBI, Secret Service, Dallas Police Department, and the Dallas County Sheriff Department.

The subjects covered include: Core topics concerning the assassination; Preparations for the trip to Dallas; The motorcade in Dallas; Affidavits and interviews concerning the shots fired; President Kennedy's autopsy; The return of the President's remains to Washington D.C.; and the actions of Jacqueline Kennedy during the shooting.

Highlights include:

A folder labeled "Kennedy, John F. Trip to Texas." Includes an itinerary for the trip, FBI memo on planning for the trip, a Secret Service memo reviewing the agency’s preliminary survey of the trip, memos concerning the trip by the chief of the Dallas Police Department.

Warren Commission Vertical File on President Kennedy’s Motorcade.

Warren Commission Vertical File on shots fired at President Kennedy.