Benecol® Soft Chews - Made with Clinically 120 Count (Pack of 1), Chocolate

Product Details

  • MADE WITH AN INGREDIENT WHICH IS CLINICALLY PROVEN TO LOWER CHOLESTEROL* IN 70+ STUDIES: The plant stanols in our Benecol Soft Chews, are naturally occurring in cereal grains, fruits, and vegetables. Plant stanol ester has been shown in 70+ peer-reviewed clinical studies to lower cholesterol*, and has successfully helped people maintain healthy cholesterol levels in the U.S. and globally.
  • CONVENIENT AND DELICIOUS: Two grams of plant stanols can be found in four delicious chocolate Benecol Soft Chews! Pop a couple in your pocket on your way out the door to work, and have a couple after dinner for a sweet treat, and you’re golden.
  • CAN START TO WORK IN AS LITTLE AS TWO WEEKS: According to the CDC, over 70 million Americans have high cholesterol, and sometimes it is hard to know where to begin in your journey to lower it. Plant stanols, paired with heart-healthy foods and exercise, can lower blood total and LDL cholesterol levels*. And, results from the plant stanols, found in Benecol Soft Chews, can start to be seen in as little as two weeks.
  • OVER & ABOVE CHOLESTEROL REDUCTION: The plant stanols in Benecol chocolate Chews can lower cholesterol levels over and above the reductions experienced from other healthy lifestyle choices, including diet, exercise and statins, on an individual basis.

Why take a pill of plant stanols or sterols, when you can enjoy plant stanols in a delicious chocolate Chew? Lower your cholesterol in as little as two weeks with plant stanols, found in chocolate Benecol Soft Chews.

Common tips to manage high cholesterol include:

Exercising frequently throughout the week
Eating more fruits & vegetables
Increasing soluble fiber in the diet
Swapping bad fats for good, heart healthy fats

The easiest, most enjoyable tip to manage high cholesterol?
Add 2 grams of plant stanols per day to your diet, which are found in delicious Benecol Soft Chews.

Small and portable, a rich chocolatey taste, and a tried and true ingredient proven to reduce cholesterol* and supported by in 70+ clinical studies - if you're looking to tackle high cholesterol, you've come to the right place.

Plant stanols are found naturally in vegetables, fruits and cereal grains, but to get the recommended 2 grams per day, you would need to eat a full 12 pounds of broccoli, 29 pounds of carrots, or 60 pounds of tomatoes every day - or - just four Benecol Soft Chews per day. Their highly concentrated plant stanols go to work immediately, partially blocking cholesterol from entering the bloodstream, in turn reducing total & LDL cholesterol levels in as little as two weeks, and keeping it low with continued use. Show your heart some love with chocolate Benecol Soft Chews.