These antique cabinet cards feature stunning photographic portraits of various family members in the 1900’s. The black and white image is printed on high-quality cardboard paper and is mounted on a card for display. The card measures 8 3/4" by 5 7/8" and is a unique one-of-a-kind piece. *** Price differs by photo. 45 for your choice of one portrait, 60 for one military and 75 for Memento Mori or post mortem.

The portraits depict women, men, and children and they capture the fashion, style, and theme of the Victorian era. This original photographs were produced from 1864 -1900 in the United States and are a must-have for any collector of antique photographs. The cards are in excellent condition and would make a fantastic addition to any collection.

Victorian Memorial Photography.

The corpse is propped up and is given a life-like expression for this photograph. Post-mortem photography – also known as memorial portraiture or "memento mori" (a Latin phrase meaning 'remember your mortality'), dovetailed with the era's high mortality rates.