張大 Zhang Daqian (1899-1983), (CHANG DAI-CHIEN), Pair of Chinese scroll paintings: “Scholar under a tree”


Heart size of each painting: 52.5” x 17.25” inches = 133.3 x 43.8 cm;

Scroll each: 73”x 20.6” = 185.4 cm x 52.32 cm;

Roller: 23.85” = 60.6 cm;

Roller ends: old brown wood

Paper yellowish, 50-80 years old;

First painting (on the left): 竹杖穿云蜡屐轻,春风扶我趁新晴。上方钟磬松杉合,绝顶晨昏日月明。中岁渐知输道路,十年何处问升平。高僧识得真形未,破碎河山画不成。己卯春日写祝融峰,去旧游忽忽七年矣,张爰。

The bamboo stick penetrates the clouds and the wax clogs are light, and the spring breeze helps me take advantage of the new sunshine. 

The bells and chimes above are pines and cedars, and the sun and moon are bright at dawn and dusk. 

In the middle age, you gradually know the way to lose. How can you find peace in ten years? 

The eminent monk has not yet recognized the true form, and cannot paint the broken rivers and mountains. 

I wrote about Zhu Rong feng in the spring of Ji Mao. It had been seven years since I left for the old tour. 

Zhang Yuan

The first poem is about beautiful country landscape on Zhu Rong mountain, but at that time the country was in war, the artist felt very sad.

 zhú zhàng chuān yún là jī qīng chūn fēng fú wǒ chèn xīn qíng shàng fāng zhōng qìng sōng shān hé jué dǐng chén hūn rì yuè míng zhōng suì jiàn zhī shū dào lù shí nián hé chù wèn shēng píng gāo sēng shí dé zhēn xíng wèi pò suì hé shān huà bú chéng jǐ mǎo chūn rì xiě zhù róng fēng qù jiù yóu hū hū qī nián yǐ zhāng yuán

Second painting (on the right)揽秀隔山陂遥遥进印象馥驰神整巾裳逶迤循芳谷展愫如算申何为慰幽独 蜀人张大千 大风堂下作

Embrace the beautiful scenery across the mountains and far away, the impression of the fragrant gods, the whole robe, meandering along the Fanggu Valley, showing off the feelings, as if calculating, what is the comfort of being alone? Written by Zhang Daqian, a native of Shu, written by Dafengtang

lǎn xiù gé shān bēi yáo yáo jìn yìn xiàng fù chí shén zhěng jīn shang wēi yǐ xún fāng gǔ zhǎn sù rú suàn shēn hé wéi wèi yōu dú        shǔ rén zhāng dàqiān  dà fēng táng xià zuò 

 The two paintings are all painted by artist Zhang Daqian, and the two poems are also made by him.

The first poem is about beautiful country landscape on Zhu Rong mountain, but at that time the country was in war, the artist felt very sad.

The second poem is about beautiful landscape. 

 Biography: Chang Dai-Chien or Zhang Daqian (Chinese: 大千; Wade–Giles: Chang Ta-ch'ien; 10 May 1899 – 2 April 1983) was one of the best-known and most prodigious Chinese artists of the twentieth century. Originally known as a guohua (traditionalist) painter, by the 1960s he was also renowned as a modern impressionist and expressionist painter. In addition, he is regarded as one of the most gifted master forgers of the twentieth century. 

Auction results: 

Sold 30 paintings from $24,575,213 to $2,966,107; 

Sold 30 paintings from $2,822,046 to $1,439,063; 

Sold 30 paintings from $1,405,235 to $988,488; 

Sold 30 paintings from $979,086 to $776,898; 

Sold 210 paintings from $774,326 to $267,541