Vintage Magazine Pictures of Famous Artists, Lot of 17, Metropolitan Muesum of Art, New York.  Glossy Magazine Paper.  8x10

"George Washington" by Gilbert Stuart.  On the back "Fur Traders Descending the Missouri" by George Caleb Bingham

"The Angelus" by Jean Francois Millet.  On the back "Mlle. Charlotte du Val D'Ognes" by Constance Marie Charpentier"

"American Gothic" by Grant Woods

"Blue Boy" by Thomas Gainsborough/"Age of Innocence" by Sir Joshua Reynolds.  On the back "A Boy with a Rabbit" by Sir Henry Raeburn/"The Torn Hat" by Thomas Sully.

"Self Portrait" by Rembrandt van Rijn.  On the back "The Lacemaker" by Jan Vermeer

"The Pastry Eaters" by Bartolome Murillo/"Don Baltaxar" by Diego Velasquez.  On the back "The Jester" by Frans Hals

"Dutch Courtyard" by Pieter de Hooch/"Wedding Feast" by Pieter Breughel.  On the back "The Graham Children" by William Hogarth.

"The Circumcision" by Andrea Mantegna.  On the back "The Birth of Venus" by Sandro Botticelli

"American Landscape" by Charles Sheeler and on the back "Christinia's World" by Andrew Wyeth

"The Fighting Temeraire" by Turner

GREAT for Art Project or Framing!!