Licence from Food Safety & Standards Authority of India

Oils are packed in high quality amber glass bottles till 100ml.

300ml, 630ml & 1250ml in high quality virgin aluminium bottles.

R V Essential Pure Jatamansi Essential Oil- Nardostachys Jatamansi (Spikenard) (100% Pure & Natural Therapeutic Grade- Steam Distilled) 

Jatamansi Essential Oil reduces all three doshas (faults) in ayurved especially kapha and pitta. It is a traditionally known as a nervine tonic. Root of Jatamansi is a memory enhancer and is neuro-protective. Unlike Valerian it increases awareness despite its calming effect. It is also known as brain tonic, nervine, and antispasmodic. It is a calmative and it imparts a sense of calmness, peace and relaxation.


  • It helps manage stress, tension and anxiety.
  • It has anti-depressant activity and increases the level of serotonin.
  • It also increases the level of taurine (an amino acid (considered to be though, technically it may not be an amino acid) that helps in improving brain, heart functions, helps reduce high blood pressure, helps in diabetes, in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, epilepsy, autism, eye disorders, hepatitis, liver problems, calms the sympathetic nervous system, in alcoholism, etc).
  • It is useful in insomnia and sleep disorders.
  • It helps in balancing of the nervous system, used in hysteria and other nervous convulsive problems.
  • Jatamansi is used for treating epilepsy, convulsions, etc.
  • It helps in treating mental retardation and mental disorders. It strengthens the mind.
  • It has special potency as an anti-psychotic agent. (Anti-psychotics are used to manage psychosis such as delusions, hallucinations, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, etc.)
  • It reduces hyperactivity, restlessness and aggressiveness in hyperactive children.
  • It can be a useful remedy in Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.
  • It has a hypotensive action.
  • The oil of Jatamansi is used to treat palpitations of the heart and it possesses anti-arrhythmic activity having use in cases of atrial or auricular flutter.
  • Jatamansi is a strong antioxidant, it reduces oxidative stress thereby relieving chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • It has an analgesic action and helps in treating headaches.
  • It is a coolant and helps in suppressing the burning sensation.
  • It is an anti-inflammatory.
  • It is a diuretic and it helps in supporting urine related problems.
  • It is a good reproductive and aphrodisiac. It is used in combination with other herbs in the treatment of seminal debility and impotence.
  • It is used for removing general body weakness and gives the body strength.
  • It helps purify the blood.
  • Jatamansi helps in maintaining the circulatory system.
  • Jatamansi helps in respiratory problems, it relieves the phlegm in cough, it is used in Asthma, because of its bitter taste it helps in expelling out the excess mucus accumulated in the respiratory tract and helps in regularizing the respiratory tract.
  • It is used to treat kidney stones and renal colic.
  • Jatamanasi is useful in hepatitis.
  • It has a hepatoprotective action.
  • It helps treat enlargement of the liver.
  • It is used to treat jaundice.
  • It is an anti-pyretic and is used to treat fever especially in combination with other herbs.
  • Jatamamsi relieves symptoms like vertigo, seizures etc. in fever.
  • Jatamansi is an emmenagogue and promotes menstruation, thus it exerts a cleansing effect on the uterus.
  • It is used in menstrual ailments like dysmenorrhoea and inflammation of the uterus.
  • Helps in ovarian discomfort, distension of the lower abdomen and in pain.
  • Jatamansi is used to treat problems of the digestive tract. It increases the appetite, regularizes digestion.
  • It is used in gastric disorders. It is a carminative, it stops fermentation and treats flatulence.
  • It is a deobstruent and aperient. (It acts as a laxative.)
  • It is used to treat typhoid.
  • Jatamansi is used in amoebiasis.
  • The powder of the root is used to treat intestinal worms.
  • Jatamansi essential oil has demonstrated activity against fungi.
  • The herb is used externally as well. It is mixed with cold water to form a paste and applied to the body to reduce burning sensation, inflammation, and pain.
  • Jatamansi is used to treat skin conditions. It is a regenerative especially for skin and hair.
  • It is an antiseptic. The decoction of the root is applied on the affected areas in skin problems, burns, wounds, rashes, eczema, allergies and in skin infections caused by streptococcus bacteria known as erysipelas.
  • It helps in improving the complexion and skin texture.
  • Jatamansi promotes hair growth and imparts black colour to the hair. It can be used to slow down greying of hair. Medicated or blended Jatamansi oil (often with almond oil) is extremely beneficial for smooth, silky and healthy hair.

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We are one of the largest sellers of essential & carrier oils in India, sourcing purest quality of essential & carrier oils from most reputed manufacturers all over the world. Our oils are Certified, Natural and Pure (Licenced by Food Safety & Standards Authority of India).


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