Oils are packed in high quality amber glass bottles till 50ml.

100ml is packed in plastic pet bottle.

300ml, 630ml & 1250ml in high quality virgin aluminium bottles.

Cloud Bud Pure Safflower Carrier Oil-  Carthamus Tinctorius (100% Pure & Natural-Cold Pressed)

Safflower oil is a natural anti-inflammatory agent that increases cell membrane integrity. Basically, that means it protects you from high levels of toxins and bacteria in the air. Keeping your skin clean and protected is crucial to ward off break-outs and evil little cysts that creep up under your skin. Rich in linoleic acid, this oil is highly versatile and all skin types can benefit from adding this vegetable oil into your facial cleansing routine.

Hair Growth Treatment 

Massaging your scalp with safflower oil and a few drops of rosemary essential oil can give you an ultimate conditioning experience that will prompt hair growth, thickness, and shine. Safflower oil also promotes hair growth and healthy skin as it contains vitamin E. People who are suffering from excess hair fall can find effective hair regrowth with the application of safflower oil on hair.

Hair Removal Treatment

Mix safflower oil and Thanaka powder together and rub directly on site everyday to gradually decrease hair growth. 

Dry Skin Cleanser

The use of safflower oil is also recommended for treating acne. Application of safflower oil on the skin helps in getting rid of other skin problems like scars, wrinkles and extremely dry flaky skin along with acne. Unlike other oils, it does not clog pores and hence can be used by people who have sensitive skin.

It helps in losing weight. people who are looking for ways to lose weight as well as maintain their weight should include safflower oil in their regular diet.This oil is recommended to the obese people suffering from diabetes as it can deline their blood sugar levels.

It helps in the reduction of the level of cholesterol in the blood which reduces the risk of heart diseases in the individual.  It strengthen the immune system of the body.

Consuming safflower oil helps in regularizing menstrual cycles, thus getting rid of the problem of irregular periods.

About Us

We are one of the largest sellers of essential & carrier oils in India, sourcing purest quality of essential & carrier oils from most reputed manufacturers all over the world. Our oils are Certified, Pure and Natural.


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