Oils are packed in high quality amber glass bottles till 100ml.

300ml, 630ml & 1250ml in high quality virgin aluminium bottles.

Cloud Bud Pure Sandalwood Essential Oil- Santalum Album (100% Pure & Natural-Therapeutic Grade-Steam Distilled)

Botanical Name: Santalum Album

Collection Method: Steam Distillation

Plant Part: Wood

Aromatic Description: It has a warm, dry, sweet, woodsy aroma

Family: Santalaceae

Consistency: Thick

Color: Yellow

Sandalwood Essential Oil is also known as Sandalwood Mysore, Saunders, East Indian Sandalwood and Santal that has been used spiritually for thousands of years. Santalum album is the botanical name of Sandalwood Oil which is extracted from the Chipped Heartwood through the Steam Distillation process. It provides an uplifting, sweet, warm, woody aroma that can enhance mood and is frequently used in meditation for its grounding effects.

Sandalwood Oil is a great source to help keep the skin clean. It was traditionally used as an incense in religious ceremonies and for enhancing meditation, and the Egyptians used sandalwood for embalming. Both the wood and oil have been highly valued for centuries and it has a documented history of many applications. Sandalwood Essential Oil is a recognizable base note in many perfumes and fragrances. Its distinctly warm and woodsy aroma is the perfect complement to pampering spa treatments, relaxation time, yoga, and meditation.

Primary Benefits:

  • Reduces the appearance of scars and skin imperfections
  • Promotes healthy looking, smooth skin
  • Enhances mood
  • Relaxing, calming and reduce anxiety
  • Reduce inflammation from mild skin irritation
  • Anti-aging
  • And much more!

Blends well with: Sandalwood Oil blends well with patchouli, vetiver, lemon, palmarosa, bergamot, neroli, cedarwood, nutmeg, geranium, mandarin, coriander, rose and myrrh for diffusion.


We are one of the largest sellers of essential & carrier oils in India, sourcing purest quality of essential & carrier oils from most reputed manufacturers all over the world. Our oils are Certified, Pure and Natural.


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