Oils are packed in high quality amber glass bottles till 50ml.

100ml is packed in plastic pet bottle.

300ml, 630ml & 1250ml in high quality virgin aluminium bottles.

Cloud Bud Pure Linseed Carrier Oil- Linum Usitatissimum (100% Pure & Natural-Cold Pressed)

Linseed Oil is rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an essential fatty acid that appears to be beneficial for heart disease. ALA belongs to a group of substances called omega-3 fatty acids.

Linseed Oil can lower cholesterol, thereby significantly reducing the risk of heart disease. Taking linseed oil may also protect against angina (chest pain) and high blood pressure. 

In cases of lupus, linseed oil not only reduces inflammation in the joints, skin and kidneys, but also lowers cholesterol levels that may be elevated by the disease. Taking linseed oil for gout may lessen the often sudden and severe joint pain or swelling that is a symptom of this condition. In addition, the ability of omega-3 fatty acids to boost the absorption of iodine.

The essential fatty acids in linseed oil are largely responsible for its skin-healing powers. Red, itchy patches of eczema, psoriasis and rosacea often respond to the EFA's anti-inflammatory actions and overall skin-soothing properties. Sunburned skin may heal faster when treated with the oil as well. In cases of acne, the EFAs encourage thinning of the oily sebum that clogs pores.

The abundant omega-3 fatty acids in linseed oil have been shown to contribute to healthy hair growth (in fact, low levels of these acids may cause dry and lackluster locks). Hair problems exacerbated by psoriasis or eczema of the scalp may respond to the skin-revitalizing and anti-inflammatory actions of linseed oil as well. Similarly, the oil's EFAs work to nourish dry or brittle nails, stopping them from cracking or splitting.

The EFAs in linseed oil assist in the transmission of nerve impulses, making the oil potentially valuable in treating conditions of numbness and tingling.

Because the hormone-balancing lignans and plant estrogens (phytoestrogens) in linseed help stabilise a woman's estrogen-progesterone ratio, they can have beneficial effects on the menstrual cycle, and relieve the hot flashes of perimenopause and menopause. linseed may also improve uterine function and thus treat fertility problems. The EFAs in linseed oil may help to prevent swelling and inflammation of the prostate, the small gland located below the bladder in males that tends to enlarge with age.

About Us

We are one of the largest sellers of essential & carrier oils in India, sourcing purest quality of essential & carrier oils from most reputed manufacturers all over the world. Our oils are Certified, Pure and Natural.


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The abundant omega-3 fatty acids in linseed oil have been shown to contribute to healthy hair growth (in fact, low levels of these acids may cause dry and lackluster locks). Hair problems exacerbated by psoriasis or eczema of the scalp may respond to the skin-revitalizing and anti-inflammatory actions of linseed oil as well. Similarly, the oil's EFAs work to nourish dry or brittle nails, stopping them from cracking or splitting. Because the hormone-balancing lignans and plant estrogens (phytoestrogens) in linseed help stabilise a woman's estrogen-progesterone ratio, they can have beneficial effects on the menstrual cycle, and relieve the hot flashes of perimenopause and menopause. linseed may also improve uterine function and thus treat fertility problems. The EFAs in linseed oil may help