Bails Jerky is made in small batches all made in my kitchen at home … my one kilo packs take 72 hours to make I like to take my time and make sure all my jerky is the same standard and quality that will keep people coming back for more

Bails Beef Jerky - 1 KG - HONEY,SOY,GARLIC - $120 FREE POSTAGE

I started my jerky journey 15 years ago making jerky for myself and my mates .. then mates of mates .. then it got so popular a friend of mine said I should start charging so I did .. as my jerky got more popular I began to sell it at local markets which had been really successful now I have decided to expand and start selling all over Australia ..I have a certificate in food preparation and handling and it is a real passion of mine .

All my jerky is made with Australian Beef …currently I am struggling a little to keep up with demand but I really try to get my product to your door within 7 days

Recommended to eat with a beer in your hand

give my jerky a try I am yet to meet someone that started a packet and didn’t finish it in one go !!!!