Samsung SP1614C 160 GB SATA Hard Drive:

Photos of the test results are available for verification

Description: This Samsung SP1614C 160 GB hard drive is ready for a new home! Whether you need additional storage or a reliable primary drive, this 3.5" SATA hard drive has you covered.

Here are the key details:

Capacity: 160 GB (160 x 1,000,000,000 bytes)

Buffer Size: 8192 KB (8 MB)

Firmware: SW100-30

Interface: USB (Serial ATA)

Power-On Hours: Approximately 60231 hours (equivalent to 6 years and 281 days)

Health Status:

Read Error Rate: No significant read errors recorded

Reallocated Sector Count: No sectors have been reallocated due to bad blocks

Seek Error Rate: No seek errors detected

Current Pending Sector Count: No pending sectors awaiting reallocation

Uncorrectable Sector Count: No uncorrectable sectors detected

Ultra DMA CRC Error Count: No communication errors

Write Error Rate: No significant write errors detected

Soft Read Error Rate: No soft read errors recorded

Additional Tests:

The drive has undergone thorough testing with Minitool Partition, Western Digital Data Lifeguard Diagnostic Software, and Crystal Disk Info. All tests passed successfully.

Photos of the test results are available for verification.