Please let us know your desired size after purchase. We can make it in your desired length and waist.

The length is up to 87cm.

We will send you the garment with the elastic through the waist, which is 20% less than your desired waist.

(The picture is before hemming and elastic threading.The fourth photo is one that we made in the past using a different Liberty fabric.)

The pattern is Linen Garden. The light pink color is cute.

The elastic is not one thick elastic, but two narrow ones, so that the gathers at the waist are even and neat. There is no lining. Please wear a petticoat or the like.

(Linen Garden)Middle-scale "Linen Garden" is made of natural linen painted in dark gouache with prairie flowers.

Poppies, calendula, flax, Araceae, Japanese knotweed, Japanese knotweed, mint, mantema, and lilac,

Mantema, Lulium japonicum, wall lettuce, and clover are depicted.