The latest advance in Equine Calming Products


Calma is our latest product and takes equine calming products to the next level. Equine Answers Calma uses a unique formulation of nutraceuticals and special calming herbs to provide what we believe to be the most effective equine calmer on the market.

It has long been recognised that supplementing magnesium to a horse’s diet can have a marked effect on temperament. It is thought that "fizziness" from spring grass is actually a lack of magnesium in the rapidly growing grass. Many equine calming products use basic cheap forms of magnesium in calcined magnesite (quarried magnesium) and magnesium oxide and some even use Epsom Salts (magnesium sulphate). These forms of magnesium are very cheap and are not well absorbed by the horse and makes its use less effective. In formulating Calma we have used the very best forms of absorbable magnesium in Magnesium Aspartate HCL and Magnesium AAC. We found that combining these two high quality forms of magnesium with secret calming herbs gave us the best possible calming formulation. Beware, cheaper magnesium calmers do not work as effectively as Equine Answers Calma!!

It is important to understand the various types of magnesium that are used in equine calmers because they differ enormously in price and quality and therefore their effectiveness.


                                           Type of Magnesium Used
NAF Magic                          Magnesium Oxide, cheap and not well absorbed
Top Spec Calmer                Magnesium Sulphate (Epsom Salts) v cheap, poor absorption
Equine Answers CALMA     Magnesium Aspartate HCL & Magnesium AAC,
 both expensive but well                                                 absorbed, very effective!


Using only high quality ingredients makes Calma an expensive product to make but we have a policy of only producing high specification products at Equine Answers and Calma is no exception. This really is the Rolls Royce of calming products using only the best possible ingredients to produce an amazingly effective horse calmer.

Benefits of Equine Answers Calmer

•  Rapid calming effect
•  Unique secret new formulation using the two latest forms of high quality magnesium and calming herbs 
•  Does not contain any ingredients from the banned substances list of the FEI or Jockey Club


Order direct from the manufacturer Equine Answers. Sent 1st class post.

1kg Tub Only £32.99!!

(40 day supply)


Here's just a sample of the feedback we get about Calma:-

Hi Andy, it's Nicky who wrote to you before regarding moving from Magic to Calma.  Well the news is good!! Finn does seem calmer in many ways so I am sure it is working well.  All the traumas that used to be such a big deal dont seem half so bad to him now.  He seems quieter in the field and just generally all over.  I have been riding him more but think that the Calma has changed his whole persona...
Nicky Holland
Just wanted to say a huge thank you for Calma. In over 20yrs of breeding and breaking my own hunters we never produced a Fred. From rearing and charging at me on the lunge at 3yrs until now at age 7, I gave up at the end of each summer to nurse my wounds ready for the start of the season. Refusing to sell a horse that was dangerous he was not far away from being hound food. Having tried 2 other brands of calmer previously with no effect I did some internet research before buying yours. WOW!!! What a transformation. In August he boiled at the least excuse and buried me on rock hard stubble. Last chance, into his food went the Calma . . I am completely stunned by the change in him and my daughter who has been nagging me for 3 yrs to get rid of him before he "kills you" now loves him. I am now telling anyone with a nutty nag to try this product and certainly one friend who knows Fred (and also said get rid) is so impressed with my now star person that she is going to try it on hers. Fred was a scarily bad horse, his sires foals now have a reputation and I know of 2 that have been shot as unrideable. Thank you does not touch what I feel for you saving Fred from being number 3. Will keep you informed of his progress. Again, many many thanks.
Carol and Fred

I wanted to thank you for your Calma product.  I purchased a tub of this about a month ago as my 20 yr old cob was becoming increasingly more restless during showing this season.  She frequently staled and could not stand still in the line up or for the judge. Our showing has once again become pleasurable and my horse can stand still quietly while others strut their stuff. The Calma has also resulted in a less spooky ride but still with enthusiasm.
It has not affected her energy levels as other products have in the past and if anything she now concentrates fully on the job in hand. I have just ordered some joint support from you and look forward to reporting back to you on our progress. Ginnie Jones

I brought my horse to England at the end of August and his behaviour became very erratic and "spooky". I naturally thought he had to have time to settle and persevered with the schooling which was not too bad, however the hacking out in a busier environment was decidedly dangerous ..... His antics in the stable were also quite unnerving and he trashed any rug I put on him ..... I thought I had really bought the wrong horse but not now!
After only three days on the Calma he reverted to the horse I originally fell in love with, yes he still has the occasional spook but it does not escalate, he is calm in the stable, and only two weeks into Calma I can hack him out albeit in company and he does not think there is a gremlin behind every bush,tree, car, pedestrian etc etc
I have just ordered my second kilo which will hopefully see me through our first dressage test together.
Regards and thanks
Sue Scanlan
Would just like to thank you for creating this has made an excitable ex-racehorse an angel to own!
Faye Griffiths
Just an email to say thanks for your advice on the Calma. This product has really helped my over exuberant TB become a delight to ride, so much so that I am entering her into her first dressage test this month! Lets hope it continues to keep her calm. Many thanks
Kate Shaw