Unique Album & Atlas of the World 1894

                                                        1894 Arkansas map from Unique Atlas of the World
                                                               *Reverse side is SW portion of Texas, 1894                                                                                

                                                                                     8 1/2" x 10 1/2"

                                                                                        COLOR Map

                       Free Lamination available, message at time of purchase. Maps are otherwise shipped in original state.
                                 Lamination will increase durability and water-proof maps, but cannot be undone.
                                                                             130 years old

* Not a Facsimile - This is a single page culled from an 1894 Unique Atlas, Page does not have date, Books of this age rarely had color print which was very expensive during the 19th century. The finest Quality Paper was used, will last decades with proper care. 

                          Suitable for framing, Atlas page /sleeved in polystyrene