UNBOXED (NOTE: unboxed, warehoused product may lack the protection of factory packaging and may exhibit scratches which do not affect the operability of the product. "Unboxed" product MAY be expected to show minor surface blemishes. My photographs will attempt to show any appearance flaws.)  

UNUSED (NOTE: this product has not been "used" in the sense that it has not been subjected to internal or external forces [electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic, temperatures above or below normal room temperature, wrench or other tool marks] which would appear in a previously employed product.)  It "appears" from labels "LOW 20-3" and "HI 20-4" that this cylinder was being prepared for installation but there does not appear to be any evidence that it was placed in service.

Please contact me for clarification of the above or any other factors which may affect your decision to purchase and/or utilize this product. Please keep in mind however, that I am a merchant, not an engineer. Thank you.