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Titolo: Jeet Kune Do
Condizione: Nuovo
EAN: 9780804847797
ISBN: 9780804847797
Publisher: Tuttle Publishing
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 22/11/2016
Altezza: 279mm
Lunghezza: 216mm
Peso: 879g
Lingua: inglese
Subtítulos: The Arsenal of Self-Expression
ISBN-10: 0804847797
Description: Apply the combat science of Bruce Lee's revolutionary martial art!

This martial arts manual describes his research into the how and why of Jeet Kune Do techniques. Bruce Lee wrote of "three stages of cultivation" that lie along the path to JKD mastery:

  • The Stage of Innocence—this is the level of the absolute beginner.
  • The Stage of Art—the student is immersed in the process of technical and physical training.
  • The Stage of Artlessness—the stage of "highest art" in which the body is no longer hindered by the mind. As Bruce Lee would say, "It hits all by itself."

To reach the final stage, the student must progress methodically through the Stage of Art—there are no shortcuts! Author Teri Tom guides you on this journey by revealing the science behind the moves in Jeet Kune Do repertoire. You'll learn how to protect yourself from injury, and maximize the effectiveness of the following core techniques and their variations: Straight Lead; Rear Cross; Hook; Uppercut; Straight Kick; Hook Kick; Side Kick; and Spinning Back Kick.

You'll also learn about
  • Bruce Lee's revolutionary approach to combat that takes advantage of human biomechanics;
  • How to evade attacks, and use those evasive movements to launch counter-attacks;
  • Natural ways to chain your moves into seamless combinations;
  • The importance of developing mental and physical speed, footwork, cadence, good timing and judgment of distance;

All techniques are traced to the original sources that inspired Bruce Lee.
Paese di origine: US
Genere: Sports & Hobbies
Autore: Teri Tom
Contribuyente: Ted Wong (Foreword by)
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2016

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