Enhance the flavour of your dishes with these organic, hand-picked and sundried whole bay leaves. This pack of 15 leaves of Laurus Nobilis is a single spice product that can add depth and aroma to your pantry. The Home Grown brand guarantees that these bay leaves are all-natural and organic, with no chemicals or additives added during their manufacture in the United Kingdom. These bay leaves come in whole form, harvested in October 2023 to ensure maximum freshness. The pack contains 6g of product, perfect for seasoning your favourite recipes. All Natural and Organic, making this product suitable for those who prefer a healthier and chemical-free lifestyle. Add these bay leaves to your cart and elevate your cooking to the next level!

15 Sundried Bay Leaves Home grown Organic - 6g

Dried Bay Leaves have been picked by me from the garden and dried on sunlight during some days. Very aromatic, organic.

My whole family uses these bay leaves all the time and we recommend this product to you too.

You can use the bay leaves in cooking, tea drinking, salting fish, meat, pickling, canning, as well as aromatherapy.

The dry leaf just needs to be set on fire a little so that it starts to emit aromatic smoke.