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Titolo: The Town of Light (Xbox One)
Condizione: Nuovo
Genere: Xbox One
Sottogenere: Games
Data d'uscita: 06/06/2017
Anno di rilascio: 06/06/2017
Play through the eyes of Renee, a 16-year-old girl who suffers from the symptoms of mental illness. She is searching for answers to the many questions from her past, whilst exploring the place where she spent most of her youth. Guide Renee through a dark and emotional journey where the lines between entertainment, storytelling and reality blur. Based on extensive research and inspired by real events, The Town of Light is a first-person psychological story adventure game set in the Volterra Psychiatric Asylum. Based in Tuscany, Italy, the asylum was shut down in the late 1970's by a law from the Italian government instructing all asylums to close and give back patients their civil rights. Explore the asylum as it stands to this day and uncover the good and bad in human nature.

Game Disc
Lingua: inglese
Paese di fabbricazione: United Kingdom
Valutazione: PEGI 18
MPN: 241975
Piattaforma: Microsoft Xbox One
Title Format: Video Game

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