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Titolo: I Live in Tokyo
Condizione: Nuovo
Autore: Mari Takabayashi
Formato: Tascabile
ISBN-10: 0618494847
EAN: 9780618494842
ISBN: 9780618494842
Publisher: HarperCollins
Genere: Children's Reference
Soggetto: Children's Books, Baby & Picture Books
Data di pubblicazione: 06/11/2004

Have you ever been to Tokyo, Japan Far away, in the Pacific Ocean, Tokyo is a busy city of color, activity, celebrations, gigantic buildings, and much more. Seven-year-old Mimiko lives in Tokyo, and here you can follow a year’s worth of fun, food and festivities in Mimiko’s life, month by month. Learn the right way to put on a kimono and see Mimiko’s top ten favorite meals—just try not to eat the pages featuring delicious wagashi!

Lingua: inglese
Fascia d'età: Giovane
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 279mm
Lunghezza: 222mm
Larghezza: 3mm
Peso: 154g
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2004

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