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Titolo: Kittel's Introduction to Solid State Physics, Global Edition
Condizione: Nuovo
EAN: 9781119454168
ISBN: 9781119454168
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 09/07/2018
Altezza: 234mm
Lunghezza: 188mm
Larghezza: 39mm
Peso: 1238g
Lingua: inglese
Description: Kittel’s Introduction to Solid State Physics, Global Edition, has been the standard solid state physics text for physics majors since the publication of its first edition over 60 years ago. The emphasis in the book has always been on physics rather than formal mathematics. This book is written with the goal that it is accessible to undergraduate students and consistently teachable. With each new edition, the author has attempted to add important new developments in the field without impacting its inherent content coverage. This Global Edition offers the advantage of expanded end-of-chapter problem sets.
Paese di origine: US
Genere: Science Nature & Math
Autore: Charles Kittel
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2018

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