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Titolo: Public Opinion
Condizione: Nuovo
EAN: 9781442261884
ISBN: 9781442261884
Edizione: Fifth Edition
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 14/03/2016
Altezza: 231mm
Lunghezza: 151mm
Larghezza: 19mm
Peso: 490g
Autore: Robert W. Oldendick, Barbara A. Bardes
Lingua: inglese
Subtítulos: Measuring the American Mind
ISBN-10: 1442261889
Description: The fifth edition of Public Opinion: Measuring the American Mind provides a comprehensive, accessible introduction to public opinion in the United States and describes how public opinion data are collected, how they are used, and the role they play in the U.S. political system. Bardes and Oldendick introduce students to the history of polling and explain the factors a good consumer of polls should know in order to critically evaluate public opinion data. Public Opinion: Measuring the American Mind is the only text to devote significant space to the history of polling, the use of polling in America today, and to explain the methods used for survey research. In addition, the authors engage students by providing in-depth coverage of public opinion on such issues as political ideology, health care, race, and foreign policy, as well as an update and discussion of the major changes that have taken place on controversial issues such as gay marriage, gun control, and immigration. Updated to include the latest data from the American National Election Study and the General Social Surveys in 2012 and 2014, this lively, engaging text combines a comprehensive grounding in the nuts and bolts of the field with relevant, real-world examples.
Paese di origine: US
Genere: Law & Politics
Title Format: Paperback
Soggetto: Philosophy & Spirituality
Anno di pubblicazione: 2016

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