This pocket book is a reproduction of the 1913 classic "Don'ts for Husbands" by Blanche Ebbutt. It contains 80 pages of timeless advice for husbands and wives, covering topics such as marriage, long-term relationships, and sociology. The hardcover format measures 4.6 inches in length, 2.7 inches in width, and 0.4 inches in height, and weighs 1.8 ounces.

The book was originally published in English by Bloomsbury Publishing in 2007 and is not considered a vintage item. It features an ex libris note and is in like-new condition. This item is perfect for anyone interested in family and relationships or social science. It belongs to the category of books and magazines and is a must-have for anyone looking for valuable insights on marriage and family

A few light specs on the front and back cover. Please see photo close up. Smoke free home