Haunted 8 Mysterious Very Active Small Doll Heads

Bottlebuddee Dolls = BB

These Haunted Doll Heads have been hanging out together for a long time

Each one has their own unique personality

Keep yourself open for messages via hearing, seeing, feeling, knowing

Although these are for entertainment purposes only and there are no guarantees always keep yourself open

They will enjoy being placed anywhere and they can all be taken out of the jar also

Be creative and have fun!


All Zeezeer Haunted Bottlebuddee Dolls and products are positive and protective - no negative energies in any of our products for over three decades - All products are revitalized with positive energy and blessed with happy positive powerful energy on the 22nd of every month.


You are purchasing a physical item, there are no guarantees that you will experience any paranormal activities but do be patient and open.

Every month on the 22nd, your new treasure will be sent positive and happy energy.

You will be a part of the Zeezeer family.

All Zeezeer items have been respectfully asked for the energies to enter the object.

We have been in the metaphysical world for over three decades and promoting well-being through goods and articles. 

Always well wishes and luck in every endeavor you experience.

Zeezeer Family


Refund Policy

***If you are not matching with your doll or item we want to make sure you and your doll or item is happy. We do not accept returns but if you truly need to return your doll or item we will accept it with you paying to have it returned safe and we will return the cost you paid for the doll or item minus what we paid for shipping. For example if you paid 39.99 for the doll or item you pay to send it back to us, if it cost 15.00 to ship the doll or item to you we will refund 24.99 for the cost you paid for the doll or item minus the shipping which was 15.00. But of course we truly hope you will always be happy with your new best friend! 😃


A little history:  I treasure every single doll or item I work with.  

I am clairaudient and clairsentient and communicate with each doll or item.  They tell me their name and something about themselves and how they love to help people.

I have been in the spiritual world for over three decades.  I have run a ministry for over 19 years, have done psychic readings, taught classes, taught psychic development at spiritual centers, junior colleges, colleges, community centers, did television and radio shows, did a radio show and was a psychic for California Psychics, worked over ten years as a Chaplain and Meditation Specialtist for three hospitals and

Hospice. I truly enjoy working with all these haunted items and enriching peoples lives!